The Quest for Tonewood

by Hans Lukas Hansen (Norway, The Netherlands 2020)

In certain alpine forests one might find special trees that are worth their weight in gold. Their value lies in the unique ability of the wood to amplify sound, making it a prerequisite for the best string instruments in the world. This film is the story about the quest for these magical trees. Tonewood they call it, a gift of trees so rare, that grow in places so secret and remote, that finding the perfect one – can be the quest of a lifetime. Premiere at Human IDFF 2021.

“When we got in contact with RCS “The Quest for Tonewood” needed an outside viewpoint, someone who could see the film from a different angle, without relating to other, previous versions or to the source material. Getting the feedback from the two RCS experts was really valuable. It confirmed some of the things we already knew, both good and bad, and it gave us some new ideas of how to solve specific scenes and overall structure. It was interesting to hear two completely different views, that nevertheless shared our enthusiasm for the film. Especially being at the very last stage of the editing, it was very useful to get a new perspective on the project.” Benedikte Danielsen, producer and Hans Lukas Hansen, director.

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