
by Isabel Andrersson and Johan Palmgren The story starts with a spectacular incident on 7 November 2020. An unusually bright optic phenomenon streaked across the sky in Scandinavia. Scientists in Norway, Finland and Sweden started to work intensely. Where had it landed? With help from sky surveillance cameras, the scientists narrow the search to an […]

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Andersson Brothers

by Johanna Bernardhson This is a personal film about the four Andersson brothers. Their broken relationship is the main focus of the film. Underlying themes of working class, alcoholism, and manhood are also exposed. It tells the story of Roy Andersson, world famous flm director, Ronny who was a homeless drug addict and passed away […]

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After Work

by Erik Gandini. Sweden The majority of jobs that exist today will disappear within a few decades. As technology surpasses human capacity, we have the opportunity to rethink the role of work in our lives. Are we ready for an excess of time?

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Close to Vermeer

by Suzanne Raes ( Netherland 2023) In the run-up to the largest Vermeer exhibition ever at the Rijksmuseum, a number of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts set out in search of what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer. In doing so, they get inside the head of the painter to analyze all the decisions he made. While […]

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Children of the Enemy

by Gorki Glaser-Müller (Sweden, Denmark 2021) In 2014 Patricio Galvez’s daughter Amanda and her husband Michael Skråmo left Sweden to join ISIS in Syria. Five years later they were both killed, leaving behind seven small children. Deep in sorrow over his daughter’s death, Patricio makes a pledge to save his grandchildren. Premiere at CPH:DOX 2021. […]

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Sweetheart Deal

by Elisa Levine & Gabriel Miller (USA 2021) Driven by their addiction to heroin, four women encounter friendship and betrayal while working the streets. Shot in unflinching vérité-style over several years, Sweetheart Deal offers an intimate portrait of hope, heartbreak and resilience on the fringes of modern America.

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