Supported films

City of the Sun

by Rati Oneli (Georgia, US 2017) In his documentary debut, director Rati Oneli provides fascinating insights into a living environment in a ghost mining town Chiatura in western Georgia. It´s bleak industrial ruins appear at once colossal and like a film set. In a city where the sun never shines, it’s only the inhabitants that […]

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A State of Exception

by Jason O´Hara (Canada 2017) Five years the filmmaker followed what is happening to the indigenous people and inhabitants of favelas in Rio De Janeiro when World Cup and Olympic Games were changing the city. Premiere at Hot Docs 2017. Magnus Isacsson Award at RIDM – Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal 2017. “We were […]

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Becoming Who I Was

by Chang-Young Moon (South Korea 2017) Shot during five years the film follows a young Rinpoche, who is living in Ladakh and waiting for the monks to come from Kham, China to take him to the monastery of his previous life. Completed in 2017. Grand Prix in Berlinale Generation. Best Feature Documentary and Best Editing […]

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An Insignificant Man

by Khusboo Ranka and Vinay Shukla (India 2016) The film follows the birth of the newest political party in India, AAP, that got a landslide victory in Delhi and grows to a universal story about how people are tired of the old elite of politics. Premiere at Toronto Film Festival 2016. Further screenings include IDFA, […]

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My World Is Upside Down

by Petra Seliskar (Slovenia 2016) Singers and musicians from different countries perform the songs of Frane Milčinski, who was an actor, comedian, musician, “Chaplin of the former Yugoslavia”. Premiere at MakeDox 2016. Awarded at South East European Film Festival LA. “RCS helped our film a lot . The days when I felt trapped with our […]

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The Beast Is Still Alive

by Vesela Kazakova and Mina Mileva (Bulgaria 2016) In a fictional dialogue with her dead grandfather, a young woman takes a critical look at communist ideology. Premiere at Warsaw Film Festival 2016. Awarded at Aegean Docs, European Independent Film Awards, European Cinematography Awards, and Mexico International Film Festival.

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The Girl Who Saved My Life

by Hogir Hirori (Sweden 2016) Because of a girl, a man does not board a flight with a fatal ending. This is not the story of a Hollywood rom com, but an incredibly incisive refugee portrait by the Kurdish-Swedish filmmaker Hogir Hirori. Premiere at Gothenburg Film Festival 2016. “Before I contacted RCS I was in […]

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by Kesang Tseten (Nepal 2016)High on the mountains of Nepal a hospital is receiving patients, who have been carried for hours or even days before they reach the doctors. Cinema verité-film grows to tell especially about the position of women in Nepal. Completed in autumn 2016.

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by Pablo Pinedo (South Africa 2016) A documentary following the tradition of Italian neorealism follows the fight of shack dwellers against the brutal eviction. Premiere at Durban Film Festival 2016. “For me and the project the RCS was very helpful. It helped to confront already existing doubts and to confirm final decisions towards the closing […]

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