
by Isabel Andrersson and Johan Palmgren

The story starts with a spectacular incident on 7 November 2020. An unusually bright optic phenomenon streaked across the sky in Scandinavia. Scientists in Norway, Finland and Sweden started to work intensely. Where had it landed? With help from sky surveillance cameras, the scientists narrow the search to an area near a small village called Altuna, about an hour from Stockholm in Sweden.

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Andersson Brothers

by Johanna Bernardhson

This is a personal film about the four Andersson brothers. Their broken relationship is the main focus of the film. Underlying themes of working class, alcoholism, and manhood are also exposed.

It tells the story of Roy Andersson, world famous flm director, Ronny who was a homeless drug addict and passed away in ten years ago, Kjell, a retired teacher who makes historical documentaries and Johanna’s father Leif, a long distance runner who nowadays suffers from MS and can hardly walk.

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After Work

by Erik Gandini. Sweden

The majority of jobs that exist today will disappear within a few decades. As technology surpasses human capacity, we have the opportunity to rethink the role of work in our lives. Are we ready for an excess of time?

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Close to Vermeer

by Suzanne Raes ( Netherland 2023)

In the run-up to the largest Vermeer exhibition ever at the Rijksmuseum, a number of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts set out in search of what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer. In doing so, they get inside the head of the painter to analyze all the decisions he made. While the largest Vermeer exhibition ever is set up at the Rijksmuseum, a number of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts use the latest techniques in search of what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer. In doing so, they get inside the head of the painter to analyze all the decisions he made.

“We have worked with Rough Cut Service before and it was very valuable to get an international perspective on our films, from very experienced editors. I think it helped us reach a next level in editing, and to release our films more widely. “
Ilja Roomans, producer

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Children of the Enemy

by Gorki Glaser-Müller (Sweden, Denmark 2021)

In 2014 Patricio Galvez’s daughter Amanda and her husband Michael Skråmo left Sweden to join ISIS in Syria. Five years later they were both killed, leaving behind seven small children. Deep in sorrow over his daughter’s death, Patricio makes a pledge to save his grandchildren. Premiere at CPH:DOX 2021.

“It was of great help having genuinely committed and super talented editors to scrutinize the film. Cherishing the vision but pushing and developing it. Loved it and will for sure do it again!” Gorki Glaser-Müller, director.

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Sweetheart Deal

by Elisa Levine & Gabriel Miller (USA 2021)

Driven by their addiction to heroin, four women encounter friendship and betrayal while working the streets. Shot in unflinching vérité-style over several years, Sweetheart Deal offers an intimate portrait of hope, heartbreak and resilience on the fringes of modern America.

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The Bubble

by Valerie Blankenbyl (Switzerland, Austria 2021)

In the “Villages”, the world’s largest retirement community, there are not only supermarkets, bars and restaurants. From belly dancing to synchronized swimming, everything that a pensioner’s heart desires is offered. But what at first glance appears to be the fulfilment of the American dream, cracks upon closer inspection. After all, maintaining this bubble has a price not only for its inhabitants, but also for the world around them. Premiere at Visions du Réel 2021.

“I worked with RCS on several projects so far and I am always very grateful for the wonderful and stimulating sessions. In case of The Bubble, my director and I had the chance to work with Erez, Maya and Per on very important questions regarding dramaturgy but not only. The sessions also enabled us to rethink our intentions and made them more transparent in the film, which was a crucial step towards the finishing line.” Nela Märki, editor.

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by Volkan Üce (Belgium, The Netherlands, France 2021)

Ismail and Hakan leave their village to start working in a gigantic all-inclusive hotel on the Turkish Riviera. They observe the colourful bikinis, the un-emptied plates, the different ways of addressing people, and gradually discover new opportunities to move ahead in life. ALL-IN explores a coming-of-age within the European dream, but at what cost? The hotel functions as a microcosm for a more universal story about the loss of innocence in capitalistic first-world societies. Premiere at CPH:DOX 2021.

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Reconstruction of the Occupation

by Jan Sikl (The Czech Republic 2021)

Director Jan Šikl collects private film archives of different families and has found professionally filmed material that captures the invasion of the Warsaw Pact armies to Czechoslovakia on August 21, 1968. Nobody has ever seen this footage. Jan begins to search who is captured in the footage and where it takes place. This becomes a film about our ability to reflect the past and about a form of the memory itself.

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