The Bubble

by Valerie Blankenbyl (Switzerland, Austria 2021)

In the “Villages”, the world’s largest retirement community, there are not only supermarkets, bars and restaurants. From belly dancing to synchronized swimming, everything that a pensioner’s heart desires is offered. But what at first glance appears to be the fulfilment of the American dream, cracks upon closer inspection. After all, maintaining this bubble has a price not only for its inhabitants, but also for the world around them. Premiere at Visions du Réel 2021.

“I worked with RCS on several projects so far and I am always very grateful for the wonderful and stimulating sessions. In case of The Bubble, my director and I had the chance to work with Erez, Maya and Per on very important questions regarding dramaturgy but not only. The sessions also enabled us to rethink our intentions and made them more transparent in the film, which was a crucial step towards the finishing line.” Nela Märki, editor.

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