Maya Daisy Hawke

Maya Daisy Hawke is the creator of the interactive social media video novels Box of Birds and Currency of Despair. She is the director of the upcoming film, Unfated Yet (featuring Werner Herzog). She is the co-director of Little Ethiopia, a live documentary, performed at the Sundance Film Festival 2019, in NY at MoMI, and in London at ICA Frames of Representation. Maya is the editor of over a dozen feature documentaries, including Cave if Forgotten Dreams (2010) and Freedom Fields (2018). Also of the BBC series House of Assad: A Dangerous Dynasty, and Moon Landing Live for Channel 4. She was an advisor at the Sundance Edit and Story Lab 2018, an advisor at the Sundance New Frontiers Story Lab 2019 and a Sundance Nonfiction Directors Residency Fellow in 2018.