We want to support you to reach the film you want to do.

Two of us will screen the rough cut and after that:


  • you will get questions to clarify your goals, if there are additional materials, the target audience etc…
  • You will get written feedback : comments and proposals on the dramaturgy and structure of the film comments and proposals on the key scenes of the film comments and proposals on the possible narration, voice off/voice over, music, graphics etc..
  • You will have an intensive Skype discussion with one or both of your supporters.
  • You send the new rough cut.
  • you will get the final comments and proposals by one of the supporters. The professional supporters will dedicate a total of four working days to your project.
  • If you have made the application for six days work you will have additional Skype discussion/s and feedback to the next version/s of the film or/and we will work with some scenes or other aspects of the film more deeply.